Revision 656287

Go back to digest for 22nd April 2007

Features in Games

Mark A. Taff committed changes in /trunk/KDE/kdegames/libkdegames/digits/kgamesvgdigits.cpp:

Make backgrounds foreacg digit transparent while rendering, but use backgroundColor for the entire display's background. This gives more freedom when skewing digits, or when adjusting letter-spacing.

This change shows some pixelation artifacts. However, I develop over NX, so it is likely an artifact of NX compression. I would appreciate it if someone without NX could confirm it look OK. It would save me lugging out a monitor, keyboard, & mouse for my server. :-)

File Changes

Modified 1 files
  • /trunk/KDE/kdegames/libkdegames/digits/kgamesvgdigits.cpp
1 files changed in total