Revision 671472
Go back to digest for 10th June 2007Other in Development Tools
Andreas Pakulat committed changes in /trunk/KDE/kdevplatform:
Redo the move, this time the history is preserved, this also means the changes look slightly different than the first time( some deletes some moves).
!!!!!! IMPORTANT NOTE !!!!!!!!!!!
Everybody who wants to change something in kdevelop/lib or one of the plugins that are copied to the platform (snippet, teamwork, konsole, filemanager, duchainviewer):
Don't, checkout kdevplatform and do the change there. I'm starting to port kdevelop to use the platform tomorrow and expect to be done on wednesday evening. I will do this in a separate branch and the first thing that will happen are deletion of lib/ and the mentioned plugins. So any changes you do between now and the time I merge the branch back may get lost.
File Changes
Added 51 files
- /trunk/KDE/kdevplatform
- /ChangeLog
- /cmake
- /CMakeLists.txt
- /config.h.cmake
- /doc
- /Doxyfile
- /kdevplatform.kdev4
- /plugins
- /src
- /cmake/CMakeLists.txt
- /cmake/modules
- /doc/api
- /plugins/CMakeLists.txt
- /plugins/cvs
- /plugins/duchainviewer
- /plugins/filemanager
- /plugins/genericprojectmanager
- /plugins/konsole
- /plugins/projectmanagerview
- /plugins/snippet
- /plugins/standardoutputview
- /plugins/subversion
- /plugins/teamwork
- /src/outputview
- /src/vcs
- /cmake/modules/CMakeLists.txt
- /cmake/modules/COPYING-CMAKE-SCRIPTS
- /cmake/modules/FindBoostLibraries.cmake
- /cmake/modules/FindCommoncpp.cmake
- /cmake/modules/FindKDevPlatform.cmake
- /cmake/modules/FindSubversionLibrary.cmake
- /doc/api/Architecture.dox
- /doc/api/Mainpage.dox
- /plugins/standardoutputview/CMakeLists.txt
- /plugins/standardoutputview/kdevstandardoutputview.desktop
- /plugins/standardoutputview/kdevstandardoutputview.rc
- /plugins/standardoutputview/outputviewcommand.cpp
- /plugins/standardoutputview/outputviewcommand.h
- /plugins/standardoutputview/outputwidget.cpp
- /plugins/standardoutputview/outputwidget.h
- /plugins/standardoutputview/standardoutputview.cpp
- /plugins/standardoutputview/standardoutputview.h
- /src/outputview/CMakeLists.txt
- /src/vcs/CMakeLists.txt
- /src/vcs/vcsexport.h
Deleted 36 files
- /trunk/KDE/kdevplatform
- /.krazy
- /src/kdevbdbcatalogbackend.cpp
- /src/kdevbdbcatalogbackend.h
- /src/kdevcatalog.cpp
- /src/kdevcatalog.h
- /src/kdevcatalogbackend.h
- /src/kdevcodeaggregate.cpp
- /src/kdevcodeaggregate_p.h
- /src/kdevcodedelegate.cpp
- /src/kdevcodedelegate.h
- /src/kdevcodemodel.cpp
- /src/kdevcodemodel.h
- /src/kdevcodeproxy.cpp
- /src/kdevcodeproxy.h
- /src/kdevcoderepository.cpp
- /src/kdevcoderepository.h
- /src/kdevstatusbar.cpp
- /src/kdevstatusbar.h
- /src/kdevtdbcatalogbackend.cpp
- /src/kdevtdbcatalogbackend.h
- /src/persistenthash
- /src/plugins
- /src/tag.cpp
- /src/tag.h
- /src/util/execcommand.cpp
- /src/util/execcommand.h
- /src/util/kdevitemmodel.cpp
- /src/util/kdevitemmodel.h
- /src/util/kdevstandardtree.h
- /src/util/kdevstandardtree_impl.h
- /src/util/kdevtreeview.cpp
- /src/util/kdevtreeview.h
- /src/util/kfiltermodel.cpp
- /src/util/kfiltermodel.h
- /src/util/settings.cpp
- /src/util/settings.h
Modified 21 files
- /trunk/KDE/kdevplatform
- /src/CMakeLists.txt
- /src/Mainpage.dox
- /plugins/cvs/CMakeLists.txt
- /plugins/duchainviewer/CMakeLists.txt
- /plugins/filemanager/CMakeLists.txt
- /plugins/genericprojectmanager/CMakeLists.txt
- /plugins/konsole/CMakeLists.txt
- /plugins/projectmanagerview/CMakeLists.txt
- /plugins/snippet/CMakeLists.txt
- /plugins/subversion/CMakeLists.txt
- /plugins/teamwork/CMakeLists.txt
- /src/editor/CMakeLists.txt
- /src/interfaces/CMakeLists.txt
- /src/language/CMakeLists.txt
- /src/project/CMakeLists.txt
- /src/shell/CMakeLists.txt
- /src/sublime/CMakeLists.txt
- /src/util/CMakeLists.txt
- /plugins/cvs/tests/CMakeLists.txt
- /src/sublime/examples/CMakeLists.txt
- /src/sublime/test/CMakeLists.txt
108 files changed in total