Revision 708003
Go back to digest for 9th September 2007Features in Educational
Frederik Gladhorn committed changes in /trunk/KDE/kdeedu:
Begin reworking the wizard to reflect changes in the document classes.
- added author title etc page.
- added category combobox to author title page.
- added get/set methods for category to keduvocdocument
- added a new identifier name/locale page
The old pages are still there, but will be removed, when the new stuff is working.
Writing/reading of the category still missing.
File Changes
Added 5 files
- /trunk/KDE/kdeedu/kvoctrain/kvoctrain/newdocument-wizard
- /authortitlepage.cpp
- /authortitlepage.h
- /identifierlanguagepage.cpp
- /identifierlanguagepage.h
- /identifierlanguagepage.ui
Modified 10 files
- /trunk/KDE/kdeedu
- /kvoctrain/kvoctrain/CMakeLists.txt
- /kvoctrain/kvoctrain/kvoctrain.cpp
- /libkdeedu/keduvocdocument/keduvocdocument.cpp
- /libkdeedu/keduvocdocument/keduvocdocument.h
- /kvoctrain/kvoctrain/docprop-dialogs/DocPropDlg.h
- /kvoctrain/kvoctrain/docprop-dialogs/TitlePage.cpp
- /kvoctrain/kvoctrain/docprop-dialogs/TitlePage.h
- /kvoctrain/kvoctrain/docprop-dialogs/TitlePageForm.ui
- /kvoctrain/kvoctrain/newdocument-wizard/kvtnewdocumentwizard.cpp
- /kvoctrain/kvoctrain/newdocument-wizard/kvtnewdocumentwizard.h
15 files changed in total