Revision 712094
Go back to digest for 16th September 2007Features in Multimedia
Nikolaj Hald Nielsen committed changes in /trunk/extragear/multimedia/amarok/src:
Say hello to a working locker browsing and streaming service. There is still a few glitches in the metadata when streaming tracks and login credentials are not remembered between sessions, but other than that it is very usable.
All in all the service framework seems to be coming together nicely as writing this kind of service is now about a single days work.
File Changes
Modified 12 files
- /trunk/extragear/multimedia/amarok/src
- /CMakeLists.txt
- /MainWindow.cpp
- /collectionbrowser/CollectionTreeItemModelBase.cpp
- /servicebrowser/DynamicServiceQueryMaker.cpp
- /servicebrowser/DynamicServiceQueryMaker.h
- /collection/support/MemoryMatcher.cpp
- /collection/support/MemoryMatcher.h
- /servicebrowser/mp3tunes/mp3tunesservice.cpp
- /servicebrowser/mp3tunes/Mp3tunesServiceQueryMaker.cpp
- /servicebrowser/mp3tunes/Mp3tunesServiceQueryMaker.h
- /servicebrowser/shoutcast/ShoutcastServiceQueryMaker.cpp
- /servicebrowser/shoutcast/ShoutcastServiceQueryMaker.h
12 files changed in total