Revision 725702

Go back to digest for 21st October 2007

Features in KDE Base

Clarence Dang committed changes in /trunk/KDE/kdelibs/kdeui/actions/kfontaction.cpp:

Make KFontAction mostly work -- at least enough for changing font in KolourPaint:

* Make changing the font in the GUI update the action (call i.e. setFont())

* Make programmatically calling setFont() update the GUI, but not fire a signal (mimicks KDE 3.5 behavior)

* Make createWidget() set the created combobox to the action's current font

This took a surprising amount of time to write (don't ask).

File Changes

Modified 1 files
  • /trunk/KDE/kdelibs/kdeui/actions/kfontaction.cpp
1 files changed in total