Revision 737218
Go back to digest for 18th November 2007Features in KDE Base
Aaron J. Seigo committed changes in /trunk/KDE/kdelibs/kdeui/about:
new about page; konqueror update forthcoming; kcontrol just needs a new right-side image, but it seems that kdepim has its own about stuff so doesn't need porting/changing.
still waiting on a couple of fixed png's for the shadow around the central box, but you get the idea =)
thanks to Lee Olson for his great work; sorry we can't enjoy the full glory of your svg ... yet.
File Changes
Modified 22 files
- /trunk/KDE/kdelibs/kdeui/about
- /bar-bottom-left.png
- /bar-bottom-middle.png
- /bar-bottom-right.png
- /bar-middle-left.png
- /bar-middle-right.png
- /bar-top-left.png
- /bar-top-middle.png
- /bar-top-right.png
- /bottom-left.png
- /bottom-middle.png
- /bottom-right.png
- /box-bottom-left.png
- /box-bottom-middle.png
- /box-bottom-right.png
- /box-middle-left.png
- /box-middle-right.png
- /box-top-left.png
- /box-top-middle.png
- /box-top-right.png
- /kde_infopage.css
- /top-left.png
- /top-middle.png
22 files changed in total