Revision 807682
Go back to digest for 18th May 2008Features in Multimedia
Nikolaj Hald Nielsen committed changes in /trunk/extragear/multimedia/amarok/src:
Make the toolbar and context view use the same background and cut out the parts they need.
Makes it appear like they are using one seamless background.
Also add a few utility functions to MainWindow to facilitate this.
The graphics that is currently used is jsut a placeholder "proof of concept" and a new, much better one, is in the works
File Changes
Modified 5 files
- /trunk/extragear/multimedia/amarok/src
- /MainWindow.cpp
- /MainWindow.h
- /images/default-theme.svgz
- /widgets/MainToolbar.cpp
- /context/containments/ColumnApplet.cpp
5 files changed in total