Revision 826307
Go back to digest for 6th July 2008Features in Educational
David Capel committed changes in /branches/work/soc-parley/parley/src/practice:
Creation of multiple choice mode. It was amazingly easy to write (it was also amazingly similar to Q&A mode -- go figure).
Todo on MC: make an option so that it only gives you possible answers of the same word type?
Todo in general: how should we handle the seperator character (used for multiple translations)?
Note: This MC mode avoids the duplicate answer bug.
File Changes
Added 2 files
- /branches/work/soc-parley/parley/src/practice/themes
- /default_theme_mc.svgz
- /mc.desktop
Modified 7 files
- /branches/work/soc-parley/parley/src/practice
- /input.cpp
- /input.h
- /parleypracticemainwindow.cpp
- /parleypracticemainwindow.h
- /practiceentrymanager.cpp
- /practiceentrymanager.h
- /stdbuttons.cpp
9 files changed in total