Revision 826894
Go back to digest for 6th July 2008Other in Development Tools
Gopala Krishna A committed changes in /branches/work/soc-umbrello/umbrello:
Placed the NewUMLWidget and NewUMLRectWidget classes in the hierarchy in the place of WidgetBase and UMLWidget.
Some drawing code is broken and there are some crashes, but the resizing works already for all widgets.
This step is to lay a proper foundation for my further work.
File Changes
Deleted 2 files
- /branches/work/soc-umbrello/umbrello
- /umlwidget.cpp
- /widgetbase.cpp
Modified 116 files
- /branches/work/soc-umbrello/umbrello
- /activitywidget.cpp
- /activitywidget.h
- /actorwidget.cpp
- /actorwidget.h
- /artifactwidget.cpp
- /artifactwidget.h
- /associationwidget.cpp
- /associationwidget.h
- /assocrules.cpp
- /assocrules.h
- /boxwidget.cpp
- /boxwidget.h
- /categorywidget.cpp
- /categorywidget.h
- /classifierwidget.cpp
- /classifierwidget.h
- /CMakeLists.txt
- /combinedfragmentwidget.cpp
- /combinedfragmentwidget.h
- /componentwidget.cpp
- /componentwidget.h
- /datatypewidget.cpp
- /datatypewidget.h
- /dialog_utils.cpp
- /dialog_utils.h
- /docwindow.cpp
- /docwindow.h
- /entitywidget.cpp
- /entitywidget.h
- /enumwidget.cpp
- /enumwidget.h
- /floatingdashlinewidget.cpp
- /floatingdashlinewidget.h
- /floatingtextwidget.cpp
- /floatingtextwidget.h
- /floatingtextwidgetcontroller.cpp
- /forkjoinwidget.cpp
- /forkjoinwidget.h
- /listpopupmenu.cpp
- /listpopupmenu.h
- /messagewidget.cpp
- /messagewidget.h
- /messagewidgetcontroller.cpp
- /newumlrectwidget.cpp
- /newumlrectwidget.h
- /newumlwidget.cpp
- /newumlwidget.h
- /nodewidget.cpp
- /nodewidget.h
- /notewidget.cpp
- /notewidget.h
- /objectnodewidget.cpp
- /objectnodewidget.h
- /objectwidget.cpp
- /objectwidget.h
- /packagewidget.cpp
- /packagewidget.h
- /pinwidget.cpp
- /pinwidget.h
- /preconditionwidget.cpp
- /preconditionwidget.h
- /regionwidget.cpp
- /regionwidget.h
- /seqlinewidget.cpp
- /seqlinewidget.h
- /signalwidget.cpp
- /signalwidget.h
- /statewidget.cpp
- /statewidget.h
- /toolbarstate.cpp
- /toolbarstate.h
- /toolbarstatearrow.cpp
- /toolbarstatearrow.h
- /toolbarstateassociation.cpp
- /toolbarstateassociation.h
- /toolbarstatemessages.cpp
- /toolbarstatemessages.h
- /toolbarstateonewidget.cpp
- /toolbarstateonewidget.h
- /toolbarstateother.cpp
- /umlnamespace.h
- /umlobject.h
- /umlscene.cpp
- /umlscene.h
- /umlview.cpp
- /umlwidget.h
- /umlwidgetcontroller.cpp
- /umlwidgetcontroller.h
- /umlwidgetlist.h
- /usecasewidget.cpp
- /usecasewidget.h
- /widget_factory.cpp
- /widget_factory.h
- /widget_utils.cpp
- /widget_utils.h
- /widgetbase.h
- /clipboard/umlclipboard.cpp
- /clipboard/umldragdata.cpp
- /cmds/cmd_moveWidget.cpp
- /cmds/cmd_moveWidget.h
- /cmds/cmd_resizeWidget.cpp
- /cmds/cmd_resizeWidget.h
- /dialogs/classgenpage.cpp
- /dialogs/classgenpage.h
- /dialogs/classoptionspage.h
- /dialogs/classpropdlg.cpp
- /dialogs/classpropdlg.h
- /dialogs/umlwidgetcolorpage.cpp
- /dialogs/umlwidgetcolorpage.h
- /cmds/widget/cmd_changeFillColor.cpp
- /cmds/widget/cmd_changeFillColor.h
- /cmds/widget/cmd_changeFontSelection.cpp
- /cmds/widget/cmd_changeLineColor.cpp
- /cmds/widget/cmd_changeLineColor.h
- /cmds/widget/cmd_create_widget.cpp
- /cmds/widget/cmd_create_widget.h
118 files changed in total