Revision 1205846

Go back to digest for 19th December 2010

Bug Fixes in KDE-PIM

Sergio Luis Martins committed changes in /trunk/KDE/kdepimlibs/kcalcore/icalformat_p.cpp:

Recurring to-dos work again.
Before KCalCore, the date of the current to-do occurrence was stored in the RECURRENCE-ID property. With KCalCore, that had to be removed, because the RECURRENCE-ID property was needed to implement the recurrence-id features.
This commit makes Todo::dtRecurrence() to be saved in an X-property, so it persists, like it did in KDE 4.4.

File Changes

Modified 1 files
  • /trunk/KDE/kdepimlibs/kcalcore/icalformat_p.cpp
1 files changed in total