Revision 068f9e3...
Go back to digest for 25th March 2012Features in Educational
Bernhard Beschow committed changes in [marble] /:
introduce DialogConfigurationInterface for plugins that wish to provide a QWidget-based configuration dialog
We'll use a qobject_cast now in order to determine whether a plugin offers a configuration dialog or not.
This is more efficient in terms of time and memory than trying to create a dialog and check whether the returned pointer is non-zero.
For QML-based platforms such as Mer or MeeGo, this approach allows to compile the plugins w/o QWidget support.
File Changes
Added 2 files
- /lib
- src/DialogConfigurationInterface.cpp
- src/DialogConfigurationInterface.h
Modified 21 files
- src/marble_part.cpp
- src/lib/AbstractFloatItem.cpp
- src/lib/CMakeLists.txt
- src/lib/QtMarbleConfigDialog.cpp
- src/lib/RenderPlugin.cpp
- src/lib/RenderPlugin.h
- src/plugins/render/aprs/AprsPlugin.h
- src/plugins/render/compass/CompassFloatItem.h
- src/plugins/render/crosshairs/CrosshairsPlugin.h
- src/plugins/render/earthquake/EarthquakePlugin.h
- src/plugins/render/elevationprofile/ElevationProfileFloatItem.h
- src/plugins/render/graticule/GraticulePlugin.h
- src/plugins/render/mapscale/MapScaleFloatItem.h
- src/plugins/render/measure/MeasureToolPlugin.h
- src/plugins/render/opendesktop/OpenDesktopPlugin.h
- src/plugins/render/overviewmap/OverviewMap.h
- src/plugins/render/positionmarker/PositionMarker.h
- src/plugins/render/routing/RoutingPlugin.h
- src/plugins/render/satellites/SatellitesPlugin.h
- src/plugins/render/weather/WeatherPlugin.h
- src/plugins/render/wikipedia/WikipediaPlugin.h
23 files changed in total