Revision e817af5...
Go back to digest for 29th July 2012Features in KDE Base
Martin Gräßlin committed changes in [kde-workspace] /clients/aurorae:
Port of Plastik decoration to QML
The Plastik decoration buttons are provided by a declarative
extension plugin as the canvas drawing API would be needed to
draw these buttons. This should be changed with Qt 5.
But it's also a nice example to show how a QML based decoration
can have an extension in C++.
File Changes
Added 11 files
- /clients/aurorae/themes
- kwin/CMakeLists.txt
- kwin/plastik/CMakeLists.txt
- kwin/plastik/code/CMakeLists.txt
- kwin/plastik/code/plastikbutton.cpp
- kwin/plastik/code/plastikbutton.h
- kwin/plastik/code/plastikplugin.cpp
- kwin/plastik/code/plastikplugin.h
- kwin/plastik/code/qmldir
- kwin/plastik/package/metadata.desktop
- kwin/plastik/package/contents/ui/main.qml
- kwin/plastik/package/contents/ui/PlastikButton.qml
Modified 1 files
- kwin/clients/aurorae/CMakeLists.txt
12 files changed in total