Revision 2424906...
Go back to digest for 7th October 2012Bug Fixes in KDE Base
Kai Uwe Broulik committed changes in [kde-workspace] /:
Overhaul PowerDevil's notifications
- Removed "The screen is being locked" notification
- Cleaned up the notifyrc (half of the notifications was no longer used)
- Fixed notification icons' size being hardcoded to 20x20px
- Now using more specific icons for notifications rather than generic dialog-warning
- Added notification titles rather than generic "KDE PM" title string
- Added notification for "battery charge complete"
REVIEW: 106670
FIXED-IN: 4.10
File Changes
Modified 6 files
- powerdevil/powerdevil.notifyrc
- powerdevil/daemon/powerdevilcore.cpp
- powerdevil/daemon/powerdevilcore.h
- powerdevil/daemon/actions/bundled/suspendsession.cpp
- powerdevil/daemon/backends/hal/powerdevilhalbackend.cpp
- powerdevil/daemon/backends/hal/powerdevilhalbackend.h
6 files changed in total