Revision e024dbb...
Go back to digest for 7th October 2012Other in Educational
Andreas Cord-Landwehr committed changes in [rocs] /:
Parting RocsLib into libraries RocsCore and RocsVisualEditor.
With this commit we separate the data structure backend from its
visual representation. Functional changes due to former hacks when
everything was inside one library will be fixed with the next commit.
File Changes
Added 5 files
- RocsCore/CMakeLists.txt
- VisualEditor/CMakeLists.txt
- RocsCore/Tests/CMakeLists.txt
- VisualEditor/Interface/CMakeLists.txt
- VisualEditor/Tests/CMakeLists.txt
Deleted 2 files
- src/TODO
- src/GraphicsItem/CMakeLists.txt
Modified 11 files
- CMakeLists.txt
- src/CMakeLists.txt
- src/Main.cpp
- src/Interface/ConfigureDefaultProperties.cpp
- src/Interface/DocumentTypesWidget.cpp
- src/Interface/DocumentTypesWidget.h
- src/Interface/MainWindow.cpp
- src/Tests/CMakeLists.txt
- src/Tests/TestDataStructure.h
- src/Tests/TestLoadSave.h
- src/Tests/TestPlugins.cpp
18 files changed in total