Revision 7b1c3b2...
Go back to digest for 11th November 2012Features in Utilities
Friedrich Karl Tilman Pülz committed changes in [publictransport] /:
Add support for earlier/later journeys to the applet
- Show "Get Earlier/Later Journeys" actions in the context menu
and as TimetableListItem in the journey list
- New graphics widget TimetableListItem, used to place actions
into a PublicTransportGraphicsWidget, ie. the earlier/later
journeys actions
- Add Flags to JourneyTimetableWidget to enable/disable
the ealier/later journey actions, when the provider does not
support the ProvidesMoreJourneys feature, these actions should
be disabled because they won't work
- Use the new service operations "requestEarlierItems" and
"requestLaterItems" to do the work
File Changes
Modified 4 files
- applet/publictransport.cpp
- applet/publictransport.h
- applet/timetablewidget.cpp
- applet/timetablewidget.h
4 files changed in total