Revision 57c07cb...

Go back to digest for 17th February 2013

Features in KDE Base

Christoph Cullmann committed changes in [kate] part/syntax/data/latex.xml:

add patch for fancy syntax hl inside listings/minted, remember comment:

I adapted the LateX syntax highlighting to highlight source code included with the listings and minted environment with its native syntax.
The minor highlightning bug of the language specification being already highlighted as verbatim for the minted environment from commit 6aea10d62b6558a657c6385416c7d477ae67cba6 is also fixed.

Please see the attached tex file for examples.

Currently there are only two "foreign" languages supported, namely C++ and Python.
The reason for only two is that I have found no way to dynamically specify the language for IncludeRules, e. g.

<context name="Highlightning" attribute="Normal Text" lineEndContext="#stay" dynamic="true">
<IncludeRules context="HighlightningCommon"/>
<IncludeRules context="##%1"/> <!-- attribute dynamic does not exist-->
does not work. Would that be in principle possible?

So my current apporach is that I create two contexts and one rule for each supported language. Doing that for all kate supported languages would make the currently not-so-straightforward-to-read latex syntax file even longer.


Thanks for reading

thanks to Thomas Braun

the dynamic contexts might be a good idea, but please file an extra bug for this

REVIEW: 107820

File Changes

Modified 1 files
  • part/syntax/data/latex.xml
1 files changed in total