Revision a40573f...
Go back to digest for 24th March 2013Features in KDE-PIM
Laurent Montel committed changes in [kdepim] /:
Implement scam detection. Now we have a warning when we detect that
a message can be a scam.
(for the moment we detect if an anchor has a title and it shows an url
which is not the url define in href)
We will improve it.
File Changes
Modified 8 files
- messageviewer/mailwebview.h
- messageviewer/mailwebview_webkit.cpp
- messageviewer/viewer_p.cpp
- messageviewer/webkitparthtmlwriter.cpp
- messageviewer/scamdetection/scamdetection.cpp
- messageviewer/scamdetection/scamdetection.h
- messageviewer/scamdetection/scamdetectionwarningwidget.cpp
- messageviewer/scamdetection/scamdetectionwarningwidget.h
8 files changed in total