Revision f7bf8bd...

Go back to digest for 25th August 2013

Bug Fixes in KDE-PIM

Dan Vratil committed changes in [kdepimlibs] /:

Avoid starting a database transaction in CollectionSync when no updates are needed

Unconditionally starting a transaction on every collection sync
as an high overhead on disk activity since transaction bookkeping
on the database requires writing to disk. Most often collection sync
are unnecessary since collection are rarely modified, so we end up
causing a write to disk on an operation which would be read-only.

The proposed solution is two run the collection sync in 2 phases:

1) Without starting a transaction, the currently known local collections
are loaded and are compared against the received remote ones. If no
difference is found update is stopped right away

2) If there are differences a transaction is started, local collections
are loaded again to guarantee consistency and the update is applied
inside the transaction

REVIEW: 111885

FIXED-IN: 4.12

File Changes

Modified 3 files
  •   CMakeLists.txt
  •   akonadi/collectionsync.cpp
  •   akonadi/collectionsync_p.h
3 files changed in total