Revision be29820...

Go back to digest for 1st September 2013

Bug Fixes in KDE-PIM

Jan Kundrát committed changes in [trojita] src/Gui/ComposeWidget.cpp:

Use current date when saving mail drafts in case subject is empty and sanitize the suggested filename unconditionally

Thanks to Karel Volný for reporting this. Previously, a message with an empty
subject would produced file ".draft" which did not match the GUI's wildcard and
therefore was not visible in the file picker when resuming these drafts.

Thanks to Thomas Lübking for pointing out that some characters are best avoided
here. The code now sanitizes the suggested filename so that it does not contain
"strange" characters, even if they were present in the subject before. Of
course, the subject itself is not modified.

REVIEW: 112309

File Changes

Modified 1 files
  • src/Gui/ComposeWidget.cpp
1 files changed in total