Revision 1938ad5...

Go back to digest for 16th November 2014

Other in KDE Base

Frank Reininghaus committed changes in [kde-baseapps/Applications/14.12] dolphin/src/kitemviews/kitemlistwidget.cpp:

Use deleteLater() to delete the selection toggle in KItemListWidget

This patch should make a crash with a backtrace as provided in the bug
report impossible. I'm not sure if this would really prevent the crash
- it looks like the actual cause of the problem could be in
QGraphicsView or anywhere else, but it's hard to tell because the bug
was reported just once and does not seem reproducible. But I'm pretty
sure that this change doesn't make anything worse.

REVIEW: 121087

File Changes

Modified 1 files
  • dolphin/src/kitemviews/kitemlistwidget.cpp
1 files changed in total