Revision 844829
Go back to digest for 17th August 2008Features in KDE-PIM
Dmitry Ivanov committed changes in /trunk/playground/pim/krss/libkrss:
First rough implementation of the Nepomuk TagProvider.
It is disabled by default, see resourcemanager.cpp if you want to turn it on.
I'm not proud of the current design because:
- TagsFetchJob and TagsStoreJob are assymetric wrt their arguments and return values
- these jobs are in fact synchronous (there seems to be an option to use the Nepomuk D-Bus interface)
- I should have hidden more details behind PersistentFeedFetchJob, but I can't decide on its usage (see helperjobs/)
- I had to make the 'uri' of a Tag public
- the TagProvider is not hidden from the library user
Nevertheless, I commit it just to have a break from Nepomuk
File Changes
Added 15 files
- /trunk/playground/pim/krss/libkrss
- /config-nepomuk.h.cmake
- /helperjobs
- /nepomuktagprovider
- /tagprovider.cpp
- /tagprovider.h
- /tagsfetchjob.h
- /tagsstorejob.h
- /helperjobs/persistentfeedfetchjob.cpp
- /helperjobs/persistentfeedfetchjob.h
- /nepomuktagprovider/nepomuktagprovider.cpp
- /nepomuktagprovider/nepomuktagprovider.h
- /nepomuktagprovider/nepomuktagsfetchjob.cpp
- /nepomuktagprovider/nepomuktagsfetchjob.h
- /nepomuktagprovider/nepomuktagsstorejob.cpp
- /nepomuktagprovider/nepomuktagsstorejob.h
Modified 11 files
- /trunk/playground/pim/krss/libkrss
- /CMakeLists.txt
- /feedlist.cpp
- /feedlist.h
- /persistentfeed.cpp
- /persistentfeed.h
- /persistentfeedmodifyjob.cpp
- /persistentfeedmodifyjob.h
- /resourcemanager.cpp
- /resourcemanager.h
- /tag.cpp
- /tag.h
26 files changed in total