import QtQuick 1.1
import org.kde.metadatamodels 0.1
ListView {
model: MetadataModel {
resourceType: "nfo:Image"
minimumRating: 3
delegate: Text {text: label}
An important part of the new series is the QML UI components, which will benefit not only Plasma Active but KDE Plasma Desktop 4.8 as well.
There is now a set of QML based graphical widgets, themed with the Plasma SVG engine. It shares the same API on the desktop and on Plasma Active even though the look and behavior is different on the two systems, adapting to the different input methods (mouse vs touchscreen), screen resolution and pixel density.
If you want to know more or get involved in the Plasma Active project you can write to the mailing list or join us in #active IRC channel on freenode.