Laurent Montel has been very active during the recent weeks committing here and there to various areas in KDEPIM - the KDE SC personal information management. It includes an email messenger KMail, a personal organizer named KOrganizer, the newsfeed-reader Akregator, with KAddressbook an address book management capability, the blogging client Blogilo and so much more.
The flurry of commits by Laurent Montel didn't go unnoticed by the digest team - a lot of interesting development probably does - so this is the line of encouragement for ALL of you to contact your Commit Digest Team more often and to use the DIGEST Tag in your commits when appropriate.
Having you motivated, moving on: besides fixing various bugs, Laurent is working on an autoresize feature for KMail:
With the new feature for KMail ‘autoresize image'
- you will able in KDE SC 4.10 to auto-resize images when you attach them.
- you can specify maximum/minimum size.
- it avoids to sending too big image files which can be rejected by smtp.
Apparently Laurent saw room for awesomeness and so he is working on the integration of QtWebKit for HTML composing in KMail and Blogilo. He says:
At the moment I am creating a lib which uses QtWebKit to create a HTML composer for KMail and Blogilo 4.11 called composereditor-ng, but it will not be ready for KDE SC 4.10. It's not finish yet and it's a big chunk of work.
If you are able read French, you can follow Laurent's activities on his blog.